The Visibility Game is Rigged

The last time I was on the inimitable Cafe con Pam podcast, half the interview mysteriously disappeared. So perhaps it’s fate that we’re both back at it again. I share some of my thoughts on the curse of niching, what to do instead, why your revenue feels like it’s in freefall and what to do about it. And no, it’s not just “because people are thrifty.” I also (accidentally) give ya’ll a sneak peek of the Matters Most Analysis

The Visibility Game is rigged, friend. I know. Those are fighting words.

They’re also true.

11:00- “The idea that [the change in buying behavior ] its just because people are thrify is not the full truth. And it’s actually doing most of us a disservice.”

11:50- “Niching has been sent from hell to kill me.”

12:50- “Give value of 20x what you are charging so people feel comfortable buying from you…that piece of advice isn’t necessarily wrong, but it can be dangerous.”

13:05- Three Key Things behind the recent revenue drops in your business or organization that are more important than “recession concerns”

17:00- The cognitive soil is ripe for disregulated emotional states

19:11- “Take the hits to your executive functioning, add to that the fact that more and more things, by necessity, are becoming invisible… and you have a situation ripe for revenue drops”

20:51- “The Visibility Game is rigged…it’s been set up to keep certain kinds of people underrecognized and overlooked”

27:55- If you’re trying to describe what you do in a way that is compelling, enticing and succint…you are trying to change behavior. Here’s what that means for niching

30:42- The three layers of stakeholder knowledge you want to focus on (no, none of them involve niching).

31:29- A good example of a product that DOES need niche marketing and WHY niching works in this instance

32:30- This is where brand refinement hell comes from

33:29- Niching is not equipped to do what you’re asking it to do.

“destroy it. cast it into the fire.”
-elrond on the One Ring. also Chloé on Niching

33:44- “So how do we market to our client’s customers without being racist?” <—actual question I got after a workshop. Thanks niching!

36:52- “The premise is wrong.”

37:11- How to compel people to buy your widget, support your cause or vote for you

37:29- The Market Lens and that one time I rewrote the Democratic party’s pitch to America in under 1 hour

"we don’t need to rig the visibility game to get results we want."

38:52- The difference between niching and positioning

40:23- A positioning example

42:25-When Chloé repositioned

46:20- The Matters Most Analysis

47:18- How to do the first part of a matters most analysis (the exercise)

49:04- This is why it’s suddenly hard, talking about what you do

50:00- Got questions? DM me with this keyword

52:01- You’re not underrepresented. You’re underrecognized

53:00- Your Irrisistable Lead and how to frame it—with science

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