Starter Systems: Your Systems are (probably) Hurting You

The Brand Scientist interviews: Shenelle Podcast.png

I’ve noticed that business strategists tend to love setting you up with systems that they love. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with that; you share what you know. In fact, it feels like it would be reckless to attempt the opposite (sharing what you don’t know)—especially if you’re in a position of some authority.


And there is a ‘but,’

How do they know if that system will work for you?

Has that guru you’re following even taken the time to specify what stage of business his suggested system is best suited to?

Every heard the saying, “an unexamined system is not worth living through?” (Sorry, Socrates)

What I’m trying to say is this: sorry, but your systems are probably hurting you.

And you won’t know for sure if you don’t assess them.

The solution?

Enter Shenelle Porter, Curia’s guest this month.

This business strategist has the data and the receipts (about $7000 this year alone). Imagine our good luck to have nabbed her for this episode of Curia.


Ready to jump into that mastermind Shenelle mentioned?

Here it is!